010 -- Underground Comics and R. Crumb
This episode explores the outrageous explosion of intentionally offensive underground comics in the early 1970s, including an emphasis on one of the period's primary figures Robert Crumb.
Source List:
Zap Comix #16. Seattle: Fantagraphics Books, Inc, 2016.
Crumb, Robert. The Book of Genesis. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2009.
Crumb, Robert and Poplaski, Peter. The R. Crumb Handbook. MQ Publications, 2005.
Crumb, Robert. The Sweeter Side of R. Crumb. London: MQ Publications Limited, 2006.
Crumb, Robert. The R. Crumb Coffee Table Art Book, edited by Poplaski, Peter. Boston: Little, Brown & Company, 1997.
Estren, Mark James. A History of Underground Comics. Oakland: Ronin Publishing, 2012.
Rosenkranz, Patrick. Rebel Visions : the Underground Comix Revolution, 1963-1975. Fantagraphics, 2002.
Crumb. Directed by Terry Zwigoff. 1994.