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031 -- The Farm: From Berkeley Back to the Land

031 -- The Farm: From Berkeley Back to the Land


In 1971 hundreds of hippies left Berkeley, California to establish a commune in rural Tennessee. This is the story of why they did it, how they learned to survive and grow their own food, the problems they faced, and why 12 years late the commune eventually chose to re-embrace the the American economy. 

Source List

Kevin Kelly article “Why We Left the Farm” in the Winter ‘85 issue of Whole Earth Review

May 2007 article “Sex, Drugs, and Soybeans” by Jim Windolf

Gaskin’s NYT obituary

the 2013 doc “American Commune”


032 -- Project AZORIAN

032 -- Project AZORIAN

030 -- To Be or Not to B. Kliban

030 -- To Be or Not to B. Kliban