033 -- Alternative Views TV: Mutiny on the Airwaves
In the early 70s the FCC mandated that all cable companies with a certain number of subscribers had to offer channels for public use and broadcast. This led to the generally wacky programming known as “Public Access Television.” Little did the FCC know, but in 1978 a small group of intellectuals in Austin, Tx would attempt to use Public Access TV to take down the establishment media by telling the stories they wouldn’t tell. This was Alternative News Magazine, a counterculture version of 60 Minutes, and it broadcast over 500 episodes over a period of 20 years.
Source List
Deirdre Boyle. Subject to Change: Guerrilla Television Revisited. Art Journal: Vol. 45, No. 3, Video: The Reflexive Medium (Autumn, 1985), pp. 228-232
Kellner, Douglas. PUBLIC ACCESS TELEVISION: ALTERNATIVE VIEWS. https://pages.gseis.ucla.edu/faculty/kellner/essays/publicaccesstvaltviews.pdf