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045 -- The Satanic Panic, Part Two: Ritual Abuse Hysteria and Worried Washington Wives

045 -- The Satanic Panic, Part Two: Ritual Abuse Hysteria and Worried Washington Wives



We talk the rise of the Moral Panic Industry and outline the general evolution of the Satanic Panic Complex from its inception in 1971 to one of its most high profile and prototypical cases, the James Dallas Egbert III disappearance. Part Two will cover the Gary Lauwers Murder to the McMartin Preschool Trial and the mid 80s pivot from Satanism to gangs, Gangster Rap, and the Parent’s Music Resource Center Hearings. 

Source List

See episode 44

046 -- Progressive Rock: The Future Is History

046 -- Progressive Rock: The Future Is History

044 -- The Satanic Panic, Part One: Media At the Crossroads

044 -- The Satanic Panic, Part One: Media At the Crossroads