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We get Weird. Get weird with us.

058 -- Liminal Series: The Breakfast Club

058 -- Liminal Series: The Breakfast Club



We talk John Hughes’ most famous film and explore why this 1985 teen comedy resonated so much with viewers. At some point we might even mess with the bull and get the horns. The Brain. The Athlete. The Basketcase. The Princess. The Criminal. All Jung’s Suburban archetypes. 

059 -- 1980 Norco Shootout: Immanentizing the Eschaton In the Inland Empire

059 -- 1980 Norco Shootout: Immanentizing the Eschaton In the Inland Empire

057 -- Liminal Series: Less Than Zero by Bret Easton Ellis

057 -- Liminal Series: Less Than Zero by Bret Easton Ellis