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012 -- Death to the Fascist Insect, Decade of Rage, Part Two

012 -- Death to the Fascist Insect, Decade of Rage, Part Two

We continue our series on revolutionary groups of the period with a look into the Symbionese Liberation Army. Murder. Kidnapping. Bank Robbery -- a violent shootout ending in fiery ruin. Join us and learn about one of the strangest, most dramatic groups of the time period and their weird, short-lived odyssey.

Source List:

Burrough, Brian. Days of Rage: America’s Radical Underground, the FBI, and the Forgotten Age of Revolutionary Violence. Penguin Press: New York, 2015.

Jackson, George. Soledad Brother: The Prison Letters of George Jackson. New York: Coward-McCann, 1970.

Cummings, Gregory and Sayles, Stephen. The Symbionese Liberation Army and Patricia Hearst Queen of the Revolution. Pechanga: Great Oak Press, 2019.

ed. King, John Brian. Death to the Fascist Insect: Symbionese Liberation Army. Spurl Editions, 2019.

013 -- Cinema Series: Death Wish & Hardcore

013 -- Cinema Series: Death Wish & Hardcore

011 -- Revolutionary Undergrounds, Decade of Rage, Part One

011 -- Revolutionary Undergrounds, Decade of Rage, Part One