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014 -- Bank Robbery Boogaloo, Decade of Rage, Part Three

014 -- Bank Robbery Boogaloo, Decade of Rage, Part Three

We close out our Decade of Rage mini-series with a discussion about the end of the Weather Underground and some of the late 70s revolutionary groups that had a proclivity for robbing banks and armored cars.

Source List:

Burrough, Brian. Days of Rage: America’s Radical Underground, the FBI, and the Forgotten Age of Revolutionary Violence. Penguin Press: New York, 2015.

Shakur, Assata. Assata: An Autobiography. Zed Books, 2014,

Ayers, Bill. Fugitive Days: Memoirs of an Antiwar Activist. Boston: Beacon Press, 2001.

015 -- The Culture of Narcissism by Christopher Lasch

015 -- The Culture of Narcissism by Christopher Lasch

013 -- Cinema Series: Death Wish & Hardcore

013 -- Cinema Series: Death Wish & Hardcore