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We get Weird. Get weird with us.

019 -- The Illuminatus! Trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson & Robert Shea

019 -- The Illuminatus! Trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson & Robert Shea

We enter the humorous, twisted and paranoid world of Robert Anton Wilson & Robert Shea’s The Illuminatus! Trilogy. It’s an 800 page tome filled with revolutionaries, conspiracies, counter-conspiracies, drugs, sex, rock n’ roll, yellow submarines, talking dolphins, Old Gods, eldritch five-sided sea monsters, Atlantis, John Dillinger, and more sex and drugs.

Source List:

Wilson, Robert Anton & Shea, Robert. The Illuminatus! Trilogy. New York: Dell Trade Paperback, 1975.

Cosmic Trigger I: Final Secret of the Illuminati by Robert Anton Wilson (1977)

The New Inquisition: Irrational Rationalism and the Citadel of Science by Robert Anton Wilson (1986)

Everything Is Under Control by Robert Anton Wilson & Miriam Joan Hill (1998)

“Firing the Cosmic Trigger” 1989 interview in Mavericks of the Mind, D. Brown and R. Novick, eds. (1993)

“My Debt to H. P. Lovecraft” by Robert Anton Wilson in Crypt of Cthulu #12 (1983)

020 -- Wade Davis' Hunt for Haitian Zombi Powder, Part One

020 -- Wade Davis' Hunt for Haitian Zombi Powder, Part One

018 -- Television Families: From Yippies to Yuppies

018 -- Television Families: From Yippies to Yuppies